How to Climb a Tree

When you think back to your childhood, a few memories may stick out.

Your first day at a new school, a little-league athletic achievement, an awkward moment with an elderly person, or a family vacation may be some of those events that stick out. Now when you think about trees, there are also some things that stick out, and we usually call those “branches”. Trees use branches as a way to improve their growth. When branches stick out, instead of up, it’s because this allows them to reach more sunlight and rain-water, allowing them to grow. You could say that a tree needs to “branch out” in  order to see personal growth, and you wouldn’t be wrong.

People also use this tactic as a way to grow. “Branching out” allows you to experience new experiences, allowing you to meet new people and see the world from a different vantage point. But sometimes, when you’re going through some things, the best thing to do is to “branch up”, as in climb a tree. Climbing a nice big tree is a good way to escape (albeit temporarily) the horrors of reality. It requires no human interactions, no internet connection, and no money. People ask me all the time what I do to clear my mind when I feel stressed or overwhelmed, and my answer is always the same. I tell them that I just get really high; as in I climb the biggest tree I can find. Sitting atop my wooden friend and becoming one with nature gives me a brighter and more positive outlook on life. 

Dumb kid climbing a tree

It’s probably been a while since you climbed your last tree, and that’s fine. It is a simple task, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take any precautions before getting started. Here, I will lay out for you a step-by-step guide to climbing a tree. This is: How to Climb a Tree

Select your tree

The common dating phrase “there’s a lot of trees in the woods” is used extensively because it’s mainly true. You rarely see one tree standing alone, as it is usually surrounded by others. This is good, because it gives you plenty of options. It is impossible to tell you exactly how to pick your tree of interest because everyone has different tastes. One man’s mold is another man’s treasure. But personally,  I prefer my tree to be of easy access, meaning there is nothing in the way at the bottom of the tree. Some prefer a little junk at the trunk, but not me. I also look for a tree that has a good balance of height and branch-levels. The higher the tree, the higher the climbing potential. But getting to the top is made easier the more branches there are, so try to find a tree that is both tall, and has ample branches. The best way to do this is to calculate the density of the tree, or better known as TD. TD is defined as  TD=Bs/(Th x Bt), where Bs= # of solid branches, Th= tree height (m), and Bt= # of total branches. If you find yourself struggling with these calculations, just send us a clear picture of your TDs and we will gladly judge them for you.

Map your route to the top

Unlike a career, getting to the top of a tree is usually pretty straight-forward. But it is still important to take a literal step back and identify step-by-step how you will get up there. Go ahead and determine where you will make your initial step, the branches you will use along your route, and your stopping point. When it comes to branches, the thicker the better, obviously. The thicker the branch, the more weight it can support, and the less likely it is to give out while you stand on it. But also note the angle at which the branch branches out from the tree. A branch that moves in an upward trajectory will be stronger than one that angles downwards. So when mapping your route to the top, identify some strong looking branches that are not too far apart, because the smaller the step, the easier it will be.

Climb the tree

You’ve done all the dirty work, now it’s time to reap the rewards. Remain calm and simply remember your plan. Only use branches that you have pre-determined will be able to support you. Now climb as high as you feel comfortable.

Take a moment to relax

Now that you have climbed as high as you can, take some time to clear your mind. Sitting atop a tree gives you a new perspective. In a way it helps you realize that some things in life aren’t as important as we think they are. Human beings are actually pretty simple, but modern life is stressful, and sometimes confusing. Sitting at the top of a tree, away from technology and other people can help you re-evaluate your life. Take this alone time to figure out what is important to you. Sitting in a tree provides a unique opportunity to learn about yourself. It also makes you way cooler than the lazy losers who are on the ground. 

(Optional) Just stay in the tree

The real-world fucking sucks, so just stay up there. Just live in the tree for as long as you can and stay away from all the other bullshit.

Climb down

The climb down from a tree is inherently more dangerous than the climb up. It can be difficult to place your feet on the proper branches when they are below you, so take your time on your descent. Try to use the same branches you used going up since you already know they are sturdy enough. Take it one step at a time, and make sure you have a firm grip before each step down. Relax, remember your training, and you’ll be safely at the bottom in no time. 

Now that you have successfully climbed the tree, you should notice some personal differences. Physically, you are in the exact same place as you were before you started. But mentally, you are in a much better place. Your mind is clear, your stress has evaporated, and you are ready to get back into the thralls of life with a new attitude. But just because you are done climbing does not mean you should be done growing. Remember the time you spent in the tree. Remember the positive thoughts and conclusions you came to while up there and be sure to incorporate them into your life moving forward.


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